The Best Leg Day Workout for Runners research Should I Stop Running After a Joint Replacement Should You Wear a Knee Brace While Running in 2019. But that doesn’t mean knee pain Master the Half you Knee Exercises for Runners to Help You Sidestep Injury!

The Knee Exercises for Runners to Help You Sidestep Injury reports regularly doing exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, like those that target the thighs and hips, can help you avoid knee problems. That’s why we rounded up these knee exercises for runners, so you can build strength in your legs Other Hearst Subscriptions.

“Muscles around the knees need to be strong to support the knees,” Simone Tchouke, The best way to avoid knee problems? Strengthen the muscles that support this important joint Runner’s World. “So glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps in 2019. But that doesnt mean.”

To that end, Tchouke created this series of knee exercises for runners. Add them to your regular strength routine, as the stronger your lower-body muscles, the more likely it is that your knees will stay healthy.

The knee is the most common area of injury in runners, according to: The Difference Between Flexibility and Mobility.

You will need a set of light dumbbells and access to a box, step, or bench. Each move is demonstrated by Tchouke in the video above so you can learn the proper form.

1. Step-Up With Knee Drive

Stand with feet hip-width apart in front of and facing a step, box, or bench. Hold a dumbbell in the right hand, hands at sides. Step up with right foot onto box, then drive the left knee up toward the chest so hip and knee form a 90-degree angle. Step back down. Repeat for reps. Then switch sides.

2. Single-Leg Box Step-Down

Stand with left foot firmly on a step, box, or bench, and right foot on side edge, arms straight and at shoulder height. Bend left knee and lower right foot straight down off side of box and onto the floor. Then, without using right foot to push off the ground, stand up again by pushing left foot into the box and extending left leg. Repeat for reps. Then switch sides.

3. Forward Lunge

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hold a dumbbell in right hand, hands at sides. Step forward with right foot while keeping left foot in place. Bend both knees 90 degrees. Front right knee should track over toes; back left knee hovering just above the floor. Keep core engaged and chest lifted. Push off through right heel and step back to standing. Repeat for reps. Then switch sides.

4. Prone Leg Curl With Dumbbell

Lie face down, legs straight, elbows bent, and head resting on hands. Hold a single dumbbell vertically between both feet, keeping them flexed. Engage glutes to activate legs. Bend both knees and pull heels toward glutes, squeezing glutes and hamstrings the entire time. Pause for a moment at the top. Then lower feet back down, while still engaging glutes and hamstrings. Repeat.

5. Forearm Side Plank With Clamshell

Lie on left side with left forearm on the ground and right hand on right hip. Bend both knees 90 degrees with hips about 45 degrees. Stack hips, knees, and feet on top of each other. Then, lift hips as high as possible without bending at waist, creating a straight line from shoulders to hips for a modified side plank. Open right knee, rotating through the right hip to lift knee toward ceiling. Glutes should engage. Lower leg, but stay in plank position. Repeat for reps. Then switch sides.

Headshot of Danielle Zickl
Danielle Zickl
Senior Editor
Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.